Tired of working as a police officer on the Pine Ridge Reservation, Alaina decides to stop answering her radio. Her niece Sadie spends a long night waiting for her, without success. Wounded, she decides to embark on her journey with the help of her grandfather: she will fly through time and space to South America, she will finally stop watching old black and white westerns that do not represent her in any way, and everything will feel different when she hears the dreams of the people who live in the forest. But there will be no definite conclusions... Birds don't talk to humans, but if we could understand them, they would surely have some truths to tell us.
DirectorLisandro Alonso
Cast : Viggo Mortensen, Chiara Mastroianni, Alaina Clifford, Sadie Lapointe, Adanilo, Marcio Mariante, Luisa Cruz, Rafi Pitts, Villbjørk Malling, Ta-Yamni Long Black Cat, Stanley Good Voice Elk, Olowane Good Voice Elk, Roseann Piper
Year: 2023
Length: 146 min
Genre: Western/Drama
Language: English
"While its current state may not reflect the full potential of all involved, the fact that this film exists at all is already an achievement and has given us some of the most spellbinding images of the year."
- The Playlist

"Lisandro Alonso explores the tensions between indigenous culture and modern el mundo in a curious, leisurely work that will delight his fans and perplex others"
- Variety