After moving in with her boyfriend in her new home, Mila begins to realize that her loss of desire lies deep within her. that her loss of desire lies deep within her. She embarks on a journey of self-exploration in which she revisits experiences from her childhood and adolescence in hopes of reconciling with her own body. hopes to reconcile herself with her own body.
Director: Elena Martín Gimeno
Script: Elena Martín Gimeno
Cast: Elena Martín Gimeno, Oriol Pla, Clara Segura, Alex Brendemühl, Clàudia Malagelada, Mila Borràs, Carla Linares, Marc Cartanyà, Marc Cartanyà. Malagelada, Mila Borràs, Carla Linares, Marc Cartanyà
Year: 2023
Duration: 112 min
Genre: Drama
Language: Spanish
Country: Spain